Monday, March 25, 2013

I did it.

I finally wrote a sonnet.

Sonnet 4
I was never supposed to fall in love.
Forever, I thought, I'd cower and run.
Forever, I thought, I'd look down on above,
But I got it in the end; love's won.
I've read all these books, and I know all this
Language not to be used 'round you. Bespoken
Cannot explain or tell truth. Gone amiss
Are the days I knew my true emotion.
You speak to me numbers not in my thought.
That's why I need you; you know what I don't;
You say what I can't; you are what I'm not.
Lacking courage to say the words, I won't.
I cannot speak it, so I'll sing my love.
Come fly with me to see worlds from above.

I'll send it in the mail presently, and hopefully I'll have an entertaining story to share later.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


     Still trying to write a sonnet - still not working. For this one, Bob Dylan and Hamlet served as inspiration.

Sonnet 3
Oh jingle jangle morning, disappear
Silhouette by the sea. I know of days
When in just one small moment you will fear,
And you will leave in applause of a praise.
Appraisal and reprisal please. Just sway.
For on what Earth, no matter, matter's not.
You, driven mad oh bawdy bodkin. Stay.
Just leave the love you desperately sought.
Just join me in a jingle jangle morn.
Forget about today 'til our morrow;
Leave behind sunken swelling horror sworn.
Just join with me, and sing it all in sorrow.
And in the jingle jangle morning sing your song.
And in the jingle jangle mourn. Get along.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Jebrina: The New Hamlet

     Over the weekend I participated in a lifting competition with my friend, Jenna. As we stood on the starting line, waiting to begin the half hour performance, one of the officials turned to us and asked, "Are you ready?" Laughing, my friend and I turned to each other. She said, "Are we ready?!" And I responded, "Of course we're not ready," or something of that sort. It was at this moment I wished I had the ready wit and language of Hamlet. What would I have said if I could?
Official: Are you ready?
Jenna: Are we ready? What is it that we prepare for?
Sabrina: Surely not this bar and this weight.
Jenna: Ah, but to complete it in time.
Sabrina: And is it this short half hour with which we fight? Or is it grander? Isn't always grander?
Jenna: So, Official, what you ask us - are we ready to fight against the grandest essence and stretch of life? I suppose we must be.
Sabrina: For what other choice do we have? What other choice do we have but in pushing this bar from ourselves to shove the constraints of time from our minds?
Jenna: Then is this short half hour merely an allegory for the rest of life and the time that wastes?
Sabrina: Or a test! To calculate our handle on't. Is this your test of which you question us, Official? Are you the umpire and the king? Or am I?
Jenna: Or am I?
Official: It doesn't really matter at this point. The contest is over. We're cleaning up; you should probably go.
Sabrina: Ah, it doesn't really matter.
Jenna: Did you hear? Quantum Mechanics has disproved matter. It does not even exist!
Sabrina: Ha! Official, do you hear? It does not even exist. No matter.
[Jenna and Sabrina wander off stage as their continuing discussion wanders with them.]
Official: Someone should probably take them to the student health clinic. 
 Jebrina: The New Hamlet

Sunday, March 3, 2013

For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

I came across this proverb in another class and thought it very Hamletian.
It also brought a new light to the quote from Richard III, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse."