Wednesday, March 6, 2013


     Still trying to write a sonnet - still not working. For this one, Bob Dylan and Hamlet served as inspiration.

Sonnet 3
Oh jingle jangle morning, disappear
Silhouette by the sea. I know of days
When in just one small moment you will fear,
And you will leave in applause of a praise.
Appraisal and reprisal please. Just sway.
For on what Earth, no matter, matter's not.
You, driven mad oh bawdy bodkin. Stay.
Just leave the love you desperately sought.
Just join me in a jingle jangle morn.
Forget about today 'til our morrow;
Leave behind sunken swelling horror sworn.
Just join with me, and sing it all in sorrow.
And in the jingle jangle morning sing your song.
And in the jingle jangle mourn. Get along.

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